Happy Mother's Day! Moms - you are so special and so appreciated!!
#FranschhoekValleyCommunitySportCentre teamed up with the YearBeyond YeBoneers from our WCED @HomeLearning & ECD programmes to host a special event celebrating Mother’s Day.
We invited mothers of learners we support through our WCED @HomeLearning programme to join us for a morning of fantastic games organised by the team, of inspiring speeches, and a great performance by the YeBoneers. A BIG thank you goes to Mphozisi Qalekiso Music for the amazing entertainment - and for always being available to share his talent at our events! And another BIG thank you goes to Wendy Bowley for being such an amazing volunteer! Thank you Wendy for sharing and for educating us about autism as well as making sure that everyone who came today had a snack to enjoy. Thank you also to Pick ‘n Pay Franschhoek for baking delicious doughnuts for us! All the moms really enjoyed them!!
But the biggest THANK YOU goes to all the mothers who joined us, and who are so central in the lives of all the children we support!! You are raising our future, Moms! And we will continue to do what we can to support you.
SCORE - Changing Lives Through Sport #YeBoPartners #SCORE #HopeThroughAction #ChangingLivesThroughSport
